02 JAN 2011 by ideonexus

 The Web as a Liberal Artefact

A final point briefly worth making is that the Web is a space designed to let information flow, and to create opportunities for cooperation and collaboration. It is worth asking why freer information flow is a good thing, and the answers are pretty straightforward. It is good to have the freedom to express oneself in order that one can pursue one's own autonomous and authentic projects. Unhindered criticism of governments and other power centres tends to lead to better governance; information...
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With openess, egalitarianism of ideas, and free flow of information as its principles, the Web works as a liberal democracy, and totalitarian governments attempt to control or subvert it.

01 JAN 2010 by ideonexus

 Content Providers Can Discriminate Against ISPs Too

Cablevision (NYSE: CVC) internet customers lost access to Fox.com and Fox programming on Hulu for a time Saturday afternoon--the result of a misguided effort on News Corp.'s part to cut off online viewing as an alternative in its standoff with the cable operator over retrans fees. Fox stations in NYC, Philadelphia and New Jersey went dark at midnight Friday when negotiations between the two broke down.
Folksonomies: net neutrality
Folksonomies: net neutrality
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This example of a web-site provider discriminating against an ISP, preventing its customers from viewing their site, is another dimension to consider in the Net Neutrality debate.